Sunday, April 27, 2008

Visiting Clear Creek Nursery

Sunday we headed out to one of my favorite nurseries to look for some flowers for a couple of hanging pots. Needless to say, I didn't find exactly what I was looking for. I will need to check back in a couple of weeks when there are more flowers in bloom. We did enjoy walking on the trails and looking at the Koi ponds that were filled with tons of HUGE fish.

I will have to take another picture in a couple of weeks when the Wisteria is in full bloom.

Westgate vs. Chico

The Westgate baseball team had another great game....and yes Gampy Hoyt, "Everybody's a winner!" High Five, Make a Tunnel, Have a treat! Times are different now. This isn't an inner-city Portland Pee Wee baseball team in the 1950's where cussing, spitting and fighting were the norm. Love ya Dad! Paxton got a single and hit one fly ball.

Avery and her pal Reese having a good time playing and waiting to be taken to the snack-shack!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

American Idol 2008

I was oh so very sad to see my favorite A.I. candidate go home a couple of weeks ago. However, I think that we will all see a lot more of Michael Johns in the future. Having said that, the question is, "Who is going to take it all the way? Will it be David Cook?
Or will it be David Archuleta?" Personally, I have a hunch that David Cook is going to have a very long career in the music and entertainment industry with or without having the American Idol title. He is absolutely awesome!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fish & Chips

Leslie & Mark invited us over for a yummy dinner of Fish & Chips. Leslie made her very tasty home fries and jalapeƱo cheddar corn muffins. We had some good wine and topped the evening off with Key Lime Cheesecake. Good times! Best Friends Forever!

Paxton took over the evening with the largest bubble!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Westgate Home Opener

April 19th was our home opener for Westgate Peewee baseball. This will be Paxton's 4th season with the Westgate team. It was freezing cold and we even saw a bit of hail during the game. Paxton played third base and got a couple of nice hits. Paxton's#1 Fan wearing his old jersey.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ruston Way

We took the kids down to Ruston Way in Tacoma on the first beautiful day of the year. We actually got to take the top off of the SNAAB. It got up to 81 degrees! It was fun to see everyone out and about walking along Ruston Way on Commencement Bay in Tacoma. We saw so many dogs being walked by their owners and dogs walking their owners as well! We went to the Museum of Glass. Below is some of the work by Chihuly who is a local artist.

Museum of Glass

Enjoying the weather outside on the roof of the Museum of Glass.
This is one of the walls of the sky bridge that goes over the highway.

The ceiling on the sky bridge; the colors were magical!


Inside the Museum of Glass. This is where we got to watch the artists blow glass. They were making various scultpures and glass "rubber" ducks. It was very toasty warm in there. The girl in the green was blowing the glass through this long metal pipe of sorts.

This is the top of the artist's studio. "Nice Glass!"

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tub Time

The kids relaxing in the tub.
Sydney closed her eyes in the first couple of pictures. I said, "Try not to close your eyes this time!"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cousin Sydney Visits!!!

Grams and Papa (Marty's parents) brought up our niece Sydney for a visit over Spring Break. She lives in Las Vegas and flew into Portland to start her two week break. During her vacation she was able to come up to Bremerton and will be going on to visit the cousins (Brenna and Audra) in Portland. She will then go to the beach house in Rockaway Beach on the Oregon Coast with Grams and Papa for several days until she returns to Vegas. The kids spent the first day playing outside and around the house. We later took them to Evergreen Park for them to play. Crazy little monkey kids.