Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good Times With The Smiths

We spent Saturday hanging out with Todd, Melissa & Sydney Smith. The day started out at the Kitsap County Fair. The weather was nice and warm, the kids went on endless rides and we had some good eats. (Thank you Leslie for the mini doughnut recommendation, they were delicious!) After K. C. Fair we went to The Smith’s house to hang out. The kids played in the pool and on the beach. We went to their Tiki Bar where Todd fried up some very tasty Lumpia and grilled up some dogs for the kids. Late into the evening we walked down Marine Drive to a “kegger.”… Good Times… Don’t ask… Down at the Tiki Bar
Aves and Syd
Avery found a special shell on the beach.

Pax and Syd taking an evening swim in the Sound.

Balancing on a rock after dark, Very Impressive!
The kids relaxing in the sun after a hard day at the Fair.
Our bartender Melissa; she only charges 10 Peso's an hour!
We honestly did not plan our outfits.

Syd bailed out the water from the boat so she could take Aves on a little excursion.
Todd taunting Melissa with a pink monkey

Chillen at the pool after the Fair Sweet Syd

Some thrilling rides at the Fair

I fell in love with this darling clown that I found at the Fair. : )

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bucerius Mexico

We decided to make the short trip to Bucerius Mexico. It was the closest town to our resort; Bucerius has a small flea market as well as a few restaurants to choose from. We had acquired a coupon for a round of drinks on the house at El Gourdos (The Fat Boy) and much to our surprise; we were all very impressed with the delicious food. The margaritas were the size of a football and they went down with ease. Marty and I had fish tacos and they were an absolute delight. The restaurant itself looked a bit scary to say the least, but the hospitality, food and drink made up for it. We ALL loved it so much we decided to go there again the following night for dinner. Jenny and I had a most enjoyable visit with a few young gents from Australia, Finland and Norway. Blain described one of the guys as looking like Mark Walhberg, but with very blue eyes. : )

The kids went out to get some cotton candy. The boys decided on the blue flavor and Avery picked out the pink flavor, big surprise there!
Marty made friends with a couple some of the workers at El Gourdos.

Me and Baby Aves at the Flea Market

The girls texting during their authentic Mexican dinner.
The gals in Bucerius The Erickson's~waiting for their taxi cab

Jenny and Carly hoping to get a good deal on some souvenirs.

Jenny and Eric got the Seafood Platter for two. It was quite impressive.

Paxton with his very first slingshot.
The "sales associates" honed in on Marty and Avery at the flea market. They draped Avery with multiples pieces of jewelry “for the baby” and who was Marty to say “no gracious.”

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Perks in Longview

We went down to visit The Perkins last weekend in Longview, WA. We went to the Saturday Market downtown Longview and the kids got to check out the S.W.A.T. vehicle. All the kids got their own personal balloons designed.
Sweet little Gracie Dawn Perkins.
Kim and I did a little school clothes shopping at Ross Dress For Less and found the girls matching Espirit sweater dresses.
KP in her newly remodeled kitchen! It is lovely.
KP enjoying a margarita.