Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Night

Monday mornings can occasionally be a bit rough with my little Avery. We are getting into the routine of picking out our outfits the night before. So far this school year it has been working fairly smoothly. That is until last Friday when Paxton through us a curve ball; he announced, after Avery was already dressed in her Friday attire, "We have a Spirit Assembly Today! Gotta wear purple!" That put a small wrinkle in our morning, but we were able to pull through. Below is a picture of tomorrows outfit and we also have the pink rollers in the hair. My fingers are crossed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zipping In the Jungle of PV

This is the last post of our trip this past summer to PV. Towards the end of our trip Marty and Paxton along with the Erickson's went zip-lining with Los Veranos canopy tours Here are some pictures of their most exciting, crazy fun day while Avery and I held up the fort back at Samba. Below is Paxton and Carter getting ready for their adventure.
There was a small zoo that they were able to explore where they had various animals including squirrel monkeys!
They ate right out of my baby Paxton's hands.

The monkeys were apparently quite playful. They were wise to try to get into the visitors pockets where one acquired a container of toothpics out of Marty's pocket and another monkey got ahold of Carter's camera case. They were some misbehaven monkeys!

Paxton going across one of his first lines.
Eric and Carter in a race!
Carter looks like he is way ahead, but I believe that Eric was the winner.
And here goes Jenny and Carly...

A little educational class before they went zipping of the "Do's and Don'ts" of zip-lining.

On the way home they stopped at Los Arcos for some pictures. They decided against the bungee jumping at Los Arcos.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

The first day of school was today. Avery is in second grade and Paxton is in fourth. We anticipate another great year at Crownhill;
Go Huskies!

Looking back over the past couple of years~
Paxton starting Kindergarden @ Crownhill 2004 Avery's first day of Kindergarden 2006
Paxton's first day of second grade 2006
Paxton and Avery making a book tower the night before Paxton starting third grade and Avery starting first grade.

Blackberry Fest 2008

We went to Bremerton's Blackberry Festival which is an annual event. We met the Hughes down there. The kids enjoyed gnawing on some corn and we all enjoyed the music.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Marty and I went golfing last weekend. It was my second game of golf this summer; my mommy and I went earlier in the summer. Avery came along with us as well and she did a great job keeping track of my points? hits? strokes? score? Needless to say, I didn't do so well. Maybe next time. Avery did some caddy work for me.