Monday, November 19, 2007

The Spice Girls!

Blain turned 19 on 11/18/2007. The last time the Spice Girls toured Blain wanted to go see them in concert. At that time, Blain's dad was not comfortable having her (at age 9) go see them in concert, much to her disappointment. Now that they are on tour again, Marty and I bought her a ticket to go see them in concert. She and her best friend, Nioka, are headed down to Las Vegas, NV to see them in concert on December 11th at the Mandalay Bay Resort. She and Nioka will be staying there as well. So Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas Blain. We are looking forward to seeing and posting your pictures of your trip. We love you! Dad & Lisa

1 comment:

Mark & Leslie said...

Great gift, will you adopt me? Please?