Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eating corn-on-the-cob through a picket fence

Avery has been working her top tooth loose for a couple of weeks now. Just last night she finally worked it free. This morning she got $5.oo from the Tooth Fairy. She was reminded that she may have gotten $10.00, but since she still sucks her thumb, her tooth is not quite up to the Tooth Fairy standards and thus, not worth as much. She went to bed with a sock on her hand and she is really going to give it her best effort so that she can get $10.00 for the other top tooth. Ever since Avery was about 9 months old, our good friend Shawn Perkins has always said that Avery could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence, I still don't get it...???


Anonymous said...

Since Marty still sucks his thumb - shouldn't he give a refund to the tooth fairy? :) CH

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm CH, could that be Clay Henderson????