Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend 08

We had a great Memorial Day weekend! Our lovely friends, The Perkins, came up to visit. Shawn & Kim Perkins use to live here in Bremerton, but they moved down to Longview, WA about 5 years ago. We miss them so much, wish you were still here!
We enjoyed our visit with Shawn, Kim, Alexis and little baby Gracie Dawn Perkins. Thanks for coming up for the weekend!

I totally took advanage of Shawn for his BBQ-ing X-pert-ise! We had salmon the first night and had some very yummy steaks the next night. Little Gracie Dawn Perkins enjoying some corn on the cobb.
Goofy gals, Avery and Lexi, after the hot tub

We went down to the new park downtown Bremerton. The weather was great and the kids appreciated the cool water.
Shawn and Kim Perkins Little Gracie sweeping up after husking some corn.

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