Sunday, June 8, 2008

Charles Edward Havarti (aka Chuck E. Cheese)

Paxton asked earlier this week if he could have a couple of his buddies over for a sleepover. His friends Garrett and Keaton were able to come over. Marty thought that it would be a good idea if we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for some pizza, pop and good times. Avery invited Keaton's younger sister Reese along for the fun. Reese only had one stipulation which was not to get near or in the vicinity of Chuck himself. He gives her "the creeps." Hmmmmmmm, me too! Paxton and Keaton on the virtual rollercoaster.

Afterwards the boys came back and enjoyed the tub.

Pinball Playen Paxton

Keaton and Garret.
On the way home the kids enjoyed a game of "Tinker Taylor" in the car.

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