Monday, July 7, 2008

A Visit to Hermiston, Oregon

The last time Marty's parents were up to visit they mentioned that it had been quite a long time since Marty had brought us to Hermiston for a visit. We usually meet up with them at their beach house in Rockaway Beach, Oregon, but we knew that it was time to take a trip to Hermiston. And to our shock they were actually home! This very busy retired couple doesn't seem to spend too much time in Hermiston themselves these days. Weeks are spent visiting Marty's brother Mark and his wife Tina as well as Marty's sister Melissa and her daughter Sidney in Las Vegas a couple times a year. They also make frequent trips to the Indian Reservation to visit family in Lapwaii, Idaho. If not in Idaho or Vegas they might be visiting Marty's brother Maurice and his wife Rose in Portland on the way to or from the beach house. If not in Idaho, Vegas, Portland or at the beach, they could very well be in North Carolina visiting Marty's younger brother Matt and his wife Renee. While on the east coast they usually take a trip up to Pennsylvania to visit Marty's other east coast brother Mike and his wife Judy.

Like I said, we were glad to catch them them at home!!

Marty and his father worked on painting the work shed. They got a lot done, but the temp of 104 degrees did slow down the progress some.
Meanwhile we spent time at the city pool, inside the air conditioned house or under the crab apple tree.
We met up with a former classmate of Marty's, Cindy Thompson, and had a great time!
And more painting....

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